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            H轮满载装292,605吨铁矿,吃水21.38米;租约规定,如果满载,租家得先安排船舶到大连港先减载才能去鲅鱼圈。在租家确认承担所有相关的风险和费用后,并签订《H轮直靠鲅鱼圈》协议,于是船东同意租家要求,船舶直接前往鲅鱼圈港卸货。在抵达辽东湾浅滩的时候,遭遇7-8级大风,鉴于可能造成搁浅,船底破损等风险,船长按照《H轮直靠鲅鱼圈》协议,于12月9日0320在辽东湾浅滩抛锚等候天气好转,并同时递交第一个NOR。此时,鲅鱼圈港的泊位一直有船作业,也未有合适的高潮,加上前方有军事演习,直到14日晚间2047才起锚前往鲅鱼圈,15日0410抵达鲅鱼圈锚地并抛锚,同时递交第二个NOR。泊位依旧有船在作业,该轮最后趁高潮18日0130起锚,0220引水上船,于0708靠泊鲅鱼圈港开始卸货, 21日0100卸完。




Notice of readiness should be tendered any time any day Sunday Holiday included, provided the vessel is ready for discharging.
Laytime shall commence 24 hours after tendering the Notice of Readiness, Sunday and holiday included, unless sooner commenced, in such case time used will be counted as laytime.

法官Thomas 在The Agamemnon 案中 提到:
A notice of readiness which is effective to start Laytime running can only be given when the conditions set out in the charterparty for its giving have been met. A notice that does not meet those conditions is not a valid notice.

针对本案,有效NOR递交的条件只有一个,就是ready for discharging。


关于此ready,参《Voyage Charters》-Chapter 15-Laytime
15.44 The vessel must not only be physically ready to load or discharge, as required, when the notice of readiness is given, but also legally ready.
可分为physically ready 和legally ready 两种情况。
另参《Shipping Law》-Chapter 11—Laytime and Demurrage
The notice must be a notice of actual, not anticipated, readiness.
NOR will be effective only if the vessel, is, in fact, ready to load and discharge at the time it is given.


1、London Arbitration 14/05 (2005) 669 LMLN 3 案


For that reason, and because the other alleged deficiencies did not in the event prove to be impediments to berthing, the NOR tendered on 9 July was valid and effective to trigger the commencement of laytime.
No evidence had been adduced by the charterers that the problem with the gyro compass was the result of any breach of charter or fault by the owners. A fortuitous breakdown of the gyro compass was not sufficient to stop time counting. In order to stop time counting there had to be either a breach or fault on the part of the owners. The law recognised that breakdowns might occur without breach or fault and did not penalise shipowners in such instances. Without evidence of either (and the burden of proof lay on the charterers in that respect), time continued to count without interruption.

That was not sufficient to contract out the usual requirements for the tender of a valid NOR. Clearer language would be required, referring specifically to the readiness of the vessel to load.

但在装货前,比如货舱没备好,或者需要熏舱都可能会被认为尚未ready,如The Trest Flores 案,船舶在递交NOR之后还需要进行熏舱,法官认为船舶还没ready, NOR无效。
H轮在随后起锚,重新抛锚,起锚,靠泊,开关舱作业、离泊等等都非常顺利,未出现任何延误及异常情况,因此租家不能事后跑来说递交NOR的时候船舶还未physically ready。


在Galaxy Energy International Limited v Novorossiysk Shipping Company (The Petr Schmidt) [1998] 案中,租家要求NOR需在0600-1700之间递交,但是船长不是在这区间递交的NOR,法官认为租家代理在第二天的这个区间就能收到,因此NOR到那时候就变为有效的NOR,可以开始laytime计算。
参《Shipping Law》:
In Galaxy Energy International Limited v Novorossiysk Shipping Company (The Petr Schmidt) [1998] 2 Lloyds Rep 1 the charter required that NOR be tendered within 0600 to 1700 hours local time. The Court of Appeal upheld owners' contention that a notice tendered out of hours took effect when those hours began.

另参《Voyage Charter》-Chapter 15-Laytime
15.32 Under the general law, and unless the charter otherwise provides, notice may be given at any time, and there is no requirement that it be given during ordinary office hours. See the general discussion by Rix L.K in Tidebrook Maritime Corp V Vitol ( The Front Commander) [2006] 2 Lloyd’s Rep.251



三、什么样的情况下才可以算是到达船 arrived ship?

业界著名的“Reid Test”,源于法官Reid在The“Johanna Oldendorff ”案中所确立的;由于其确立的“Reid Test”至今未被推翻,因此关于“Arrived Ship”的权威定义可见于:
The Johanna Oldendorff [1973] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 285 at page 291, and in particular the following passage at col 2:
“On the whole matter I think that it ought to be made clear that the essential factor is that before a ship can be treated as an arrived ship she must be within the port and at the immediate and effective disposition of the charterer and that her geographical position is of secondary importance. But for practical purposes it is so much easier to establish that, if the ship is at a usual waiting place within the port, it can generally be presumed that she is there fully at the charterer's disposal.
I would therefore state what I would hope to be the true legal position in this way. Before a ship can said to have arrived at a port she must, if she cannot proceed immediately to a berth, have reached a position within the port where she is at the immediate and effective disposition of the charterer. If she is at a place where waiting ships usually lie, she will be in such a position unless in some extraordinary circumstances proof of which would lie in the charterer.
If the ship is waiting at some other place in the port then it will be for the owner to prove that she is as fully at the disposition of the charterer as she would have been if in the vicinity of the berth for loading or discharge. ”

简单点说就是在港口租约的情形下,如租约未作特别约定,船舶要到港口范围内,也就是“within the port”,且处于承租人的有效控制下,也就是“at the immediate and effective disposition of the charterer” 才可被视为到达了约定地点,否则就不是已到达船舶,也就是不是一个“Arrived Ship ”。需说明的是,在该案中强调船舶“要达到港口范围内”,即使是港口或者港口当局让船舶在港口范围外等待,该船舶仍然未到达约定地点。
    关于“within the port”和 “at the immediate and effective disposition of the charterer”的解释如下:

? Within the port

? At the immediate and effective disposition of the charterer
那么,如何判断是否处于承租人的立即、有效控制之下?按照上述引用的Lord Reid的判决原文,如果船舶的待泊地点是在通常的待泊地点,则会初步认为其处于承租人的立即、有效控制之下,如承租人不同意则其负有举证义务。如果船舶待泊地点不是在通常的待泊地点,则船东负有举证义务证明其处于承租人的立即、有效控制之下。




在The Johanna Oldendorff案中,法官Diplock把程租航次分为了4个连续的阶段,如下:
(1) The loading or approach voyage, viz. the voyage of the chartered vessel from wherever she is at the date of the charterparty to the place specified in it as the place of loading.
(2) The loading operation, viz. the delivery of the cargo to the vessel at the place of loading and its stowage on board.
(3) The carrying voyage, viz. the voyage of the vessel to the place specified in the charterparty as the place of delivery.
(4) The discharging operation, viz. the delivery of the cargo from the vessel at the place specified in the charterparty as the place of discharge and its receipt there by the charterer or other consignee.

及《Laytime and Demurrage》Chapter 1,对此的补充解释说明:
Lord Diplock’s speech is clear authority that under English law the stages are consecutive and each must be completed before the next can begin. As will be seen, that means, for instance, that a vessel must reach its specified destination before a notice of readiness can be presented and notice cannot therefore be given whilst underway. There cannot be any gap between the stages, not is there any overlap.

那么船舶是否可以算是已经结束了carrying voyage了呢?因为无别的航线可以选择,船舶已经无论如何都无法再更靠近鲅鱼圈(as close as possible),同时也已经抛完锚(finished voyage),因此可以认为已经结束carrying voyage了。那么在结束了一个阶段后,就可以递交有效的NOR开始laytime计算,参如下:
The Johanna Oldendorff [1973] 2 Lloyd's Rep 285 and The Agamemnon [1998] 1 Lloyd's Rep 675) that the carrying voyage did not come to an end until the vessel had finished her voyage and reached a point as close as possible to where cargo operations were to be carried out as possible.

如Postlethwaite v. Freeland案中,Selborne勋爵说的如下:
An absolute and unconditional engagement, for the non-performance of which he is answerable, whatever may be the nature of the impediments which prevent him from performing it and which cause the ship to be detained in his service beyond the time stipulated.





9、London Arbitration 11/95 (1995) 409 LMLN 3

在该案中,合同为带有附加条款的Euromed 的格式。租家安排到阿根廷Rosario装货,船于5月30日1440抵达Zona Comun并递交NOR,
… Time to count from the first working period on the next business day following vessel’s customs clearance and receipt at the office of charterers’ agents of written notice of readiness accompanied by pass of any national and/or other regulatory bodies as may be required, and/or independent surveyors as selected by charterers, [attesting to the fact that the vessel is clean and in every respect ready in all compartments

Held , that so far as the charterers’ first contention was concerned, the fact that Zona Comun was outside the Rosario port limits was clear on the evidence. What was really in contention was the effect that that factor might have upon the “arrived ship” doctrine (ie the Johanna Oldendorff test). Although the general rule was that, for a vessel to be treated as having arrived at her destination she had to be within the port limits, that had to be understood as being subject to an exception where the Port Authorities had designated another area within their administration where vessels had to wait before proceeding to a berth. Such interpretation of the law as it stood on that point had been widely accepted in commercial arbitrations and made good commercial sense where, as in the present case, the vessel became effectively an “arrived ship” when waiting off the port at a place where it was customary for vessels to be held pending the availability of a berth, and when it had been shown that the designated loading port exercised administrative control over the waiting area.
However, the charterers’ second contention (that the tendering of the NOR was invalid because certain essential charterparty requirements had not been fulfilled at the time NOR was tendered), was well founded. The wording of the charterparty made it clear that a NOR could not validly be tendered unless it was “accompanied” by the relevant pass or passes. That could only be achieved if the necessary inspection had been performed and its result made known. That of course meant that the inspection had to precede and not follow the tendering of the NOR. In the present case, the inspection had taken place subsequently to the tendering of the NOR.

The next issue to be considered was whether a further NOR was required to be tendered at the second loading port. The tribunal would agree with the owners that, unless there was a clear requirement written into the charterparty to the contrary, no NOR was required. That was a well established principle, logically based on the assumption that once the vessel had been tendered for loading at the first port, charterers were expected to a large extent to control the vessel and to be in a position to monitor progress of the loading operations. There was no merit in the charterers’ argument that clause 28 of the charterparty (which expressly dealt with the dispensation of the need to tender a NOR at the second discharging port) should be taken to infer that such further NOR was called for at the second loading port.

法官Branson 在Burnett Steamship案中也提到:
The charterers should know near enough without a fresh notice of readiness at what time they are to have their cargo ready at the port to which they have ordered the ship to go.

在London Arbitration 9/11 (2011)833 LMLN2 案里, 法官也判船东无需在第二装港Krishnapatnam递交NOR。

类似的,法官Mustill 在 The Mexico I 案中提到,在普通法下,如无相反规定,在卸港无需递交NOR。
At common law no notice of readiness is required at the discharging port to place the charterers under the obligation to take delivery of the cargo: he is expected to be on the lookout for the ship and for his cargo….
The contract provides for Laytime to be started by the notice ( which means a valid notice) and in no other way.



参《Shipping Law》Chapter 11-Laytime and Demurrage
Once laytime begins, it will fun continuously against the charterers unless:
1. There is an  express provision in the charter to interrupt the running of laytime,
2. Delay is caused by the fault of the shipowners,
3. The shipowners remove the ship for their own purposes.

在Stolt Tankers v Landmark 案中,船在Bombay锚地等泊,船长被告之得等泊15天左右,于是船东安排先去卸别的货物,法官Andrew Smith认为租家无需为船东区卸别的货物支付滞期费。 在Re Ropner Shipping Co Ltd v Cleeves Western Valleys Anthracite Collieries Ltd [1927]案中,由于在等货,船东安排船先去加油,法官也判加油时间不算滞期时间。
但是如果是船舶必须进行排/压水才可以安全进行装卸货的话,如无相反规定,那么不可以中断计算。如Houlder v Weir[1905] 案中, 法官认为where demurrage was held to run continuously while ballast was being put into a ship to enable her to discharge in safety.


11.e The following time shall not count as laytime and demurrage time:
--Time used for sailing from anchorage to wharf till all fastened at the designated discharging berth
--Time used for joint inspection
--Time used for draft survey during discharging
--Time stoppage caused by adjusting ballast(of deballasting)
--Time stoppaged caused by bad weather
--Stoppage or partial stoppage caused by Owners and partial stoppage as pro rata
--Stoppage caused by Force Majeure unless charterers request the vessel to the dischargeport already in Force Majeure and the vessel already on demurrage.
Discharging shall complete upon the last grab of cargo leaving hatches.


1、引航员必须在辽东浅滩前登轮,以协助船舶通过辽东浅滩; 2、船舶必须在高潮时段通过禁航区附近的浅水区; 3、引航员携带DGPS定位仪,以“xx”轮通过的航迹为基础通过辽东浅滩,即靠近禁航区航行,并携带天津海测大队海图; 4、通过时应适当降速; 5、巡逻艇或引水船在前开路,以免他船妨碍安全航行; 6、通过浅水区前,长兴岛潮汐站及时报告潮高; 7、风力六级及六级以上,应限制通过。





Notice of Readiness only could be tendered upon ①arrival at discharging port(s) ② within port limit ③during office hours between 0800-1700 ④by fax to ⑤Charterers and their agent, provide that the vessel is⑥ pysically and legal ready for discharging, ⑦in free pratique and ⑧custom clearance. NOR will be not be valid if free pratique could not be granted ⑨within 6 hours after tendered.

Notice of readiness should be tendered any time any day Sunday Holiday included, provided the vessel is ready for discharging.

The cardinal rule…in interpreting such a charter-party as this, is that the charterers will pay hire for the use of the ship unless he can bring himself within the exceptions. I think he must bring himself clearly within the exceptions. If there is a doubt as what the words means, then I think those words must be read in favour of the Owners because the charterers is attempting to cut down the Owners’ right to hire.

这些前面标注的①到⑨都是递交NOR的条件,违反了任何一条,在递交的当时都不会是有效的NOR,如法官Thomas 在The Agamemnon 案中说的:
A notice of readiness which is effective to start Laytime running can only be given when the conditions set out in the charterparty for its giving have been met. A notice that does not meet those conditions is not a valid notice.
当然,英国法下订约自由,如法官在The MV Arundel Castle案中说,It is always open to the parties to provide more specifically for what it is they intend。


